European Digital Innovation hub

Miðstöð stafrænnar nýsköpunar

Collaborative project on digital innovation in Iceland

The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in Iceland is a collaborative network that combines national expertise and capabilities in artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and cyber security to promote digitalization, both in the public and private sectors. The hub aims to promote digital transformation in the various industries. 
EDIH-IS also serves as a bridge between Iceland and Europe where the traffic flows in both directions. 
Our offering in Europe is Iceland as a testbed.

Collaborative Partners

Test before invest

EDIH gives companies and public bodies  the opportunity to experiment with advanced technologies before making large investments, thereby reducing risk and encouraging innovation.

The focus is on digital transformations in the field of artificial intelligence, supercomputers and cybersecurity.

Education and training

Education and training to build capacity and leverage advanced technologies in artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and cybersecurity for both the public and private sectors. The aim is to speed up the digital transformation within the member states of the European Union.

Funding and grants

Securing investment and accessing finance are vital to the growth of any SME.

EDIH provides comprehensive support in finding funding for digital projects with emphasis on the European environment

Collaboration and networking

EDIH's network contributes to a strong ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship both domestically and abroad. Collaboration and networking between students, researchers, entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Latest News

Here you will find the latest news and projects organized by EDIH in Iceland

26 Aug, 2024
Eyvör launches cyber security grant! Up to 9 million in funding and 80% of the project financed - application deadline is 1st of October 2024.
21 Aug, 2024
The grant is intended to strengthen cyber defense in small and medium-sized companies, aND public institutions in the same size category.
28 Jun, 2024
Ólafur Magnússon, Nova's technical director, discusses the situation in the telecommunications market with regard to wireless connections.
03 Jun, 2024
Take a look at the list of Interesting events this month!
09 Apr, 2024
EDIH-IS invites you all to an event: An Introduction to artificial intelligence for small and medium-sized companies, public institutions and the industry 
02 Apr, 2024
Mastering the art of cyber resilience in the age of digital treats
More news

Auðvarp - Innovation, Science & Us, is a forum for discussion and dialogue in the field of technology transfer, innovation, science, business and good ideas. The focus is on the field of artificial intelligence, supercomputers and cybersecurity. Interesting interviews and fun discussion about what we are dealing with. 


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