
Rannís, the The Icelandic Centre for Research, manages the main competitive research and innovation, education and culture funds in Iceland, as well as the EU and Nordic co-operation programmes that provide grants for co-operation projects, training and training. Rannís's mission is to strengthen the foundations of Icelandic society through support for research, innovation, education and culture. Rannís supports the knowledge society through the operation of competitive funds, assistance and promotion of international opportunities and partnerships, as well as identifying and promoting the impact of research, education and culture on the national economy. 

DigiTal Europe Grant Programme

Rannís is responsible for the Digital Europe Grant Programme in cooperation with the Ministry of Universities, Industry and Innovation and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Digital Europe is a grant program that focuses on increasing access to digital technology for companies, individuals and public entities. The goal of the program is to tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time, the digital transition.

Key areas of focus of the Digital Europe programme until 2027 

Digital Europe will shape Europe's digital future and support projects that close the gap between R&D and digital products on the market. The programme provides strategic funding for projects in five key areas: 

  • Supercomputers 
  • Artificial intelligence 
  • Internet security 
  • Digital competence 
  • Use of functional solutions / functional centres 

Supercomputers: The goal of the Digital Europe sub-segment of the Supercomputers programme is to build and strengthen Europe’s supercomputer and data processing capabilities by 2022/2022 and to install world-class supercomputer facilities by 2026/2027. The focus is on increasing the availability and use of supercomputers in areas of public interest such as health, the environment and industrial safety. The allocation is EUR 2.2 billion for the period 2021-2027. 

Artificial intelligence: The objective of the Digital Europe sub-category of the AI programme is to invest in and increase the availability of AI for businesses and governments. Secure European data spaces where large data sets can be accessed and stored in a reliable and energy-efficient cloud infrastructure. The focus is on strengthening and supporting AI testing and experimental facilities in areas such as health, flexibility in co-operation between Member States. The allocation is 2.1 billion euro for the period 2021-2027. 

Cyber security: The aim of the Digital Europe sub-segment of the Cyber Security Strategy is to strengthen the coordination of cyber security between Member States through a variety of tools and data infrastructures. The focus is on increasing knowledge and the use of high-level cyber security across the economies of Member States. The allocation is EUR 1.6 billion for the period 2021-2027. 

Digital competence: The Digital Europe sub-tag aims to support and develop specialised education and training for future professionals in the fields of data, artificial intelligence, cyber security, quantum theory and supercomputers. Emphasis is placed on supporting the re-education of the current labour market through training that reflects the ongoing development of key areas of functional technology. The allocation is 580 million euro for the period 2021-2027. 

Digital Europe:  The aim of the Digital Europe sub-category is to support the widespread deployment of digital solutions in areas of public interest such as health, green solutions, smart drilling and culture. In each Member State, European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will be built up and supported to help businesses seize the digital opportunities. The focus is on providing public sectors and businesses with access to digital solutions and building robust digital transformation processes. The allocation is 1.1 billion euros for the period 2021-2027. 

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