Cyber security has become one of the most pressing security issues in modern society, which concerns not only individuals and companies but also governments and international societies. With ever increasing digital connection and dependence on information technology, where everything from personal information to sensitive business data stored online, cyber security is key to maintaining security and trust. 

Cyber threats are diverse and can take many forms, including virus attacks, data hostages, web hunting and the recent increase in threats due to deep-fault technology and other fraudulent digital threats. Such threats require a stable and flexible response. Therefore, it is important to have active security measures such as regularly updated virus protection programs, firewalls, data encryption and strong identification processes. 

Cyber security is not just a matter of technical security measures. It is also a matter of culture and behaviour. Cyber security education and training is essential to increase users' awareness and ability to identify and avoid cyber threats. This education should be regular and cover all levels of organizational structures, from newcomers to senior managers. 

Governments around the world have also recognized the importance of cyber security and have set up specific institutions focusing on cyber security and cyber crime. These institutions work closely with the private sector and other countries to improve cyber security at international level. This cooperation includes discussions and information sharing on cyber threats and responses to them, as well as developing common policies and tools to address the ever changing technological developments and cyber threats. 

Cyber security will continue to be a focus for the future as new technological advances and the increasing networking of society call for even stronger defense and a deeper understanding of the complex interaction between humans and technology in the fight to maintain cyber security. By strengthening international cooperation and increasing investment in strong cyber security solutions, societies around the world can strengthen their defence against the growing threats of the digital world. 

Cyber Security Competency Assessment

The cybersecurity competence assessment is a tool to assess the level of cybersecurity in organizations and whether they can use EDIH technology and services to continue that path. 

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