Are we taking cybersecurity seriously?


Mastering the art of cyber resilience in the age of digital treats

Mynd af auglýsingu viðburðarins

We live in a society where cyber threats from hostile attack groups are increasing rapidly, with all institutions at risk of becoming the next headline of the next big ransomware attack. 

Defend Iceland, in collaboration with the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH-IS), The Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNÍS and Reykjavík University, will host a meeting on April 11th in Gróska with a focus on the imperative of proactive security measures in the face of cyber threats. 

The Akira Ransomware group: who are they and how do they operate?

Jacqueline Clare Mallett, Assistant Professor, the School of Computer Science, Reykjavík University

Akira have now been responsible for a number of devastating ransomware attacks in Iceland and abroad, including most recently the attack on Reykjavik University. In this talk we will discuss how the group operates its “Ransomware as a service” criminal operations, their background, and simple precautions any company can take to be on guard for activity of this nature. (Did we mention backups?)

Shift Left - Taking Control with Proactive Cybersecurity

Guðmundur Karl Karlsson, Infrastructure Architect, Íslandsbanki

Detecting an attack in production could be too late. Íslandsbanki is becoming more proactive than ever by shifting its security testing left and implementing a bug bounty program in partnership with Defend Iceland. The importance of providing developers with the right tools and training to reduce friction cannot be undermined – as is getting commitment from management and business centers when vulnerabilities are detected.

Cyber resilience in the financial system

Gunnar Jakobsson, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, Central Bank of Iceland

The Central Bank of Iceland's role in preserving financial stability in the face of increasing levels of cyber risks. Where is the primary exposure and what are the means to mitigate the risk?

Moderator is Jóhanna Vigdís Guðmundsdóttir from Defend Iceland


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