
Take a look at the list of Interesting events this month!

Cycle of workshops on European Digital Innovation Hubs

A cycle of webinars organised by the European Commission to clarify issues related to the European Digital Innovation Hubs restricted calls and Grant Agreement Preparation. These webinars aim to assist both the Member States and the Hub Coordinators to navigate their way through the steps involved in the selection and Grant signature procedures as well as other related topics such as the DTA, digital maturity tool and Synergy funding to name but a few.

Explore our extensive library of past webinars:

All recordings and presentations from previous sessions organised by DG CNECT to support Member States and EDIHs on various subjects, including the Evaluation and Grant signature procedures and Synergy funding, are available here  

List of upcoming events this month:

11th of JUN 2024

11th of JUN 2024

11th of JUN 2024

11th of JUN 2024

12th of JUN 2024

12th of JUN 2024

12-13th of JUN 2024

12th of JUN 2024

13th of JUN 2024

14th of  JUN 2024

14th of  JUN 2024

18-19th of JUN 2024

18th of JUN 2024

19th of JUN 2024

19th of  JUN 2024

19th of JUN 2024

20-21st of JUN 2024

20th of  JUN 2024

25-27th of JUN 2024

25-27th of JUN 2024

25th of JUN 2024

25th of JUN 2024

25-26th of JUN 2024

26th of JUN 2024

27th of JUN 2024

28-29th of JUN 2024

26-27th of NOV 2024 - Conferences and summits

The EDIH Network Annual Summit 2024 will take place on the 26th & 27th November 2024 in the EGG, Brussels and online. The summit is set to bring together experts, stakeholders, and participants for another insightful and engaging gathering. Keep an eye on this space for more information on the Annual Summit 2024 and other opportunities to connect and learn.

Further information

More Articles

26 Aug, 2024
Eyvör launches cyber security grant! Up to 9 million in funding and 80% of the project financed - application deadline is 1st of October 2024.
21 Aug, 2024
The grant is intended to strengthen cyber defense in small and medium-sized companies, aND public institutions in the same size category.
28 Jun, 2024
Ólafur Magnússon, Nova's technical director, discusses the situation in the telecommunications market with regard to wireless connections.
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